Deadline: 12th August 2023
Entry: By Twitter - Tag @the_numerist #NumeristDataChallenge in your submission links.


As a Data Analyst, your task is to analyse the provided data set to determine the success of the product launch for SocialBlaze's new app, Ribbon. SocialBlaze also have another app called InstantSnaps - Users accounts on InstantSnaps will be linked to Ribbon.

Your analysis will focus on key metrics and insights to present to the CEO and Founder.

Data Exploration:

- Familiarize yourself with the data set, understanding the columns, and their respective meanings.

- Look for any patterns, trends, or anomalies in the data that might indicate the success of the product launch.


- Prepare a comprehensive report presenting your analysis and insights to the CEO. (Ensuring the choice of delivery is suitable for the audience)

- Highlight the key findings, emphasizing whether the product launch can be considered a success.

- Support your conclusions with relevant data visualisations where necessary.

- Provide actionable recommendations or areas of improvement based on the analysis.

- Consider the questions from the CEO below in your analysis.

Questions from the CEO:

- (If the app is a success) How can we leverage the success of the app launch to further enhance our products and services?

- Are there any opportunities for expansion or improvements in user acquisition and engagement?